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Offline Map Maker download

Download tile images from many online maps providers, including 1000+ maps types. It supports multi-zoom level images download, supports kml and gpx as input parameters, can output html files for leaflet, openlayers and googleapi, can output bmp, jpg, tif, png, ecw, sgi, img, kmz as a big map, can output mbtiles for mobile apps to use.

Universal Maps Downloader download It is also a tool like Offline Map Maker, to download tile images from many online maps providers. Different with Offline Map Maker, it can only download single zoom level images, does not support kml and gpx, does not output html files.
google earth images downloader download Download satellite tile images from Google Earth (not Google Maps), including historical imagery. It works without Google Earth installed. Different with Google Satellite Maps Downloader, Google Satellite Maps Downloader downloads satellite images from Google Maps, but google earth images downloader downloads images from Google Earth.
Google Birdseye Maps Downloader download Download 45° Imagery (bird's eye view) from Google Maps.
Google StreetView Images Downloader download Download street view imagery from Google Maps.
Bing Birdseye Maps Downloader download Download Bing bird's eye view maps images.
Bing Maps Downloader download Download Bing Maps images, including the normal maps, satellite maps, hybrid maps.
Google Maps Downloader download Download Google Maps images, including normal maps, satellite maps, hybrid maps, terrain maps, customized stylers maps, etc.
Google Satellite Maps Downloader download Download Google satellite maps images.
Google Hybrid Maps Downloader download Download Google hybrid maps images.
Google Maps Terrain Downloader download Download Google terrain maps images.
OpenstreetMap Downloader download Download OpenstreetMap images.
Yandex Maps Downloader download Download Yandex Maps images.


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